* We require a minimum schedule of at least two days per week.  We do not offer single-day schedules or “drop-in” care.

* If and when you accept an opening in our program, you are responsible to pay a non-refundable $100 Annual Registration fee by a date set up by yourself and the scheduling manager.

* Payment is due before the first day of attendance. All following tuition payments and fees are due the 1st of the month.

* There is a late charge of 1$ per minute for all children left after 5:45 PM for all attenders. (See Parent Manual).

* Fees include but are not limited to: program fee (art and program supplies), meals during attendance, transportation, activities, late payment, late pick-up fee, missed sign-in or out (including electronic sign in or out).

* Fees do not include: Optional programs, Administrative surcharges, Pictures.

* Children will not normally be left in our care in excess of ten hours.

* We are closed: New Year’s Day, Memorial Day, Fourth of July, Labor Day, Teacher’s workshop (Tuesday after Labor Day), Thanksgiving and the day after Thanksgiving, 1 – 2 days at Christmas. We remain open for Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, President’s Day and Veteran’s Day.

* Days missed are not made up and days are not traded.

* A two week notice is required to make a change in your child’s schedule (adding days, dropping days, change of days). We will notify you as soon as possible if we can accommodate your request — we want to serve you!

* Sibling discounts: 10% discount on the least expensive tuition when two or more siblings attend.

* All outstanding fees and charges will be paid before applying payments to the tuition or copay costs.

* A two week notice is required when withdrawing your child. You are still liable for tuition during those two weeks and no credit is offered for missed days during this time period.

For complete Financial and Registration Policies, please read our Parent Handbook.